Made From Stone™

The plastic curse: whether it be utensils, packaging, or the infamous straw, avoiding single-use plastics can seem impossible.  The wait to reverse the curse cast upon us is almost over; Made From Stone™ is launching internationally this September! Our team has been working very hard to bring Made From Stone™ magic to you.  Keep up with us in our monthly newsletter, and we can make waves together!
Our team rocks! Join us.

Stone Socials – Instagram
Let’s get to know each other! Share your stories about eco-friendly small habits you practice that lead to big changes. You can sea what we’re up to by following @weareokeanos. We’re hip.

Terminology: “Calcium Carbonate”

Calcium carbonate is out of this world. Though it’s been found in the moon’s craters,  us Earthlings are very lucky to find CaCO3 in limestone, marble, and … antacid tablets? From the bricks holding up the pyramids of Giza to the shells of mollusks, calcium carbonate is a renewable resource that makes up a constellation of Earthly wonders. We certainly think it’s all that it’s chalked up to be, and soon, you will too. More cool stuff.