It’s a term we hear every day – whether in the news, on social media, from a friend or family – it seems someone is always discussing “sustainability.” This term is music to our ears because it means our society is moving in the right direction, but some people still don’t really know what it means or how it works. The misconception is that “going green” and sustainability are interchangeable. However, going green is the movement, while sustainability is the actual action with the favorable reaction. Sustainability actually means that, what we use or do to meet our own needs today, will not compromise the needs of future generations. Yet, many of our current needs are being fulfilled in ways or with products that are not sustainable.
We at Okeanos see, hear, understand, and that’s why we want to be a part of the change. We are committed to this with the guidance and intelligence of one of our Scientific Advisory Board members – Ian McKeown. McKeown is a sustainability professional, serving as Loyola Marymount University’s sustainability officer in Los Angeles. He was the first employee to build the sustainability program from the ground up at the University of Miami. If that wasn’t enough to convince you of how incredible he is, he’s also a professional kiteboarding athlete and is currently hanging out with Richard Branson on Necker Island.
What was a driving factor for you to become involved in Sustainability? How did your interest spark?
“Growing up and finding a passion for the outdoors and sports. Spending time in nature I saw how lives were impacted in such a positive way by time in nature. I saw how nature reduced stress, created mindfulness, inspired amazing thinking, inspired invention, and built community. It is through cherished experiences and adventures that I developed a close relationship with the outdoors. Overtime I became acutely aware of the challenges and problems facing the planet. As a result, I threw myself to learn through undergraduate and graduate school, research, and life experience to defend our natural playgrounds, resources, and life-giving surroundings.”
What is a common misconception of Sustainability?
“Sustainability is politically motivated or is expensive. There are no conspiracies on scientific consensus. Sustainability is inexpensive because it is about new ways of approaching the world, spending less, consuming less, producing less, and questioning what own, use and contribute to. Ultimately, sustainability is efficiency, comfort, and building a more convenient future while also looking back to be more in tune with our natural surroundings.”
How do you measure Sustainability and its progress?
“I measure global awareness in social and political movements as engagement progress. I measure reductions in global emissions, harmful plastics, ocean plastic, water use, energy use, transportation fuel, and dirty energy as progress. If we grow packaging alternatives, alternative energy, and conservation of wild lands and our oceans we are being progressive. New technology, policy, business, and innovation is the answer to progress. I also measure social good and equity as measures of sustainability.”
Why is Sustainability important, in general? And then specifically for what path our Earth is on currently?
“Sustainability is paramount for our survival, human health, and quality of life. Our earth is on a disastrous path The only way to reverse course is through smart products, innovation, social movements, policy, and reducing consumption. One of our largest issues is the plastic pollution epidemic.”
How do we compete with businesses/organizations that aren’t providing sustainable products/don’t contribute to a more sustainable world?
“Consumer awareness and demand is rising. It is better business to sell products that have a net positive impact on the world. The economics work out from a social good, brand recognition, and consumer loyalty perspective. As the world changes and demand/ policy is in line with the products Okeanos produces the brand will be in a unique position of power.”
What advice would you give to those who want to be more environmentally conscious but don’t know how to start?
“Consume less, educate yourself, and ask questions. Think about the full life cycle of everything you buy, every decision you make has an environmental impact. Research what those are. One of the biggest tools you have is to influence and discuss with friends, how you vote, and ultimately mostly where you spend your money.”
What is the most important part of all of this? Education? The products themselves?
“Product performance is key and raising education around how we are tackling a massive environmental problem.”
What is the hardest part of working in Sustainability?
“The policy and politics that can get in the way and changing public perceptions from a practical honest perspective is difficult. However, with great challenges there are amazing opportunities. We are in the midst of a sustainable revolution and heightened awareness like never before. This gives me immense hope for our future.”
When creating sustainable products, what are the most important things to consider?
“The life cycle and educational value of the product. Designing for efficiency and end of life is key. How much energy, water, and resources and human capital does it take from creation to end of useful life. At the end how can this dissolve back to natural parts or be used again? Through your years of experience, what is something that you’ve learned that has stuck with you daily?
Always have hope and look at the big picture. Keep an open mind and heart with others as they are on their environmental journey. Help someone create an emotional attachment to nature.” |